Sunday 25 May 2008

Half Term

Enjoy the holiday... if you fancy meeting up a few of us are going to the Strawberry Farm at 11am on Tuesday.

Monday 19 May 2008


Lisa is now online!!!!

Sunday 18 May 2008

Newquay Zoo

We had a lovely outing to the Zoo on Friday, even if it was a bit wet! The children didn't seem too bothered by the rain. We started the day with a workshop entitled Fur Feathers and Scales where the children learnt all about the different textures and had close encounters with a lizard, a giant snail and a stick insect!

They all loved pretending to monkeys on the jungle assault course.....

And just to prove it was a very wet day have a look at how high the water level was at the ford on the way back to pre-school!

Friday 9 May 2008

Parish Hall Spring Fayre

It's the Spring Fayre on Saturday 10th May....10.30am in the Parish Hall. Please come along and support it, cakes for the cake stall and tombola prizes would be most appreciated.

Monday 5 May 2008

Welcome to our blog!