Sunday 16 November 2008

November at Pre-school and Calendar Launch

November has been another busy month so far at Pre-School.
The children have been following this month’s theme of shapes and colours, this week they have been cooking and baking, including making and decorating gingerbread biscuits and obviously they enjoyed eating them.
Over the next few weeks they will be learning about Clowns, Treasure Island and Christmas.

Also November sees the launch of St Kew Pre-Schools Calendar for 2009,
The calendar has been kindly sponsored by generous donations from many local businesses and families, which means that all proceeds from the sale of the calendar will go towards Pre-School funds. We are looking to enhance our outdoor play area with new play equipment and toys.

A few of the local interest groups are featured in the monthly pages, including Allen Valley singers, St Kew WI, St James the Great Church, Photos of the St Kew
Bell Ringers in action at the church and many interesting facts and photos regarding the Pre-School and the Parish Hall.
Also included are contemporary professional photographs of the Pre-School children playing in the garden and having fun.
The calendar has spaces for all your diary dates, notes and useful telephone numbers.

A cheerful calendar to have at home, or an ideal Christmas gift.

Copies are available at £5 each, from The Book shop-Wadebridge, Cornwall Farmers, Cole Rayment & White, Bricknells , St Kew Costcutters or contact Penny Warne on 01208 880307.

St Kew Pre-School have places available for children 2 years and over, Prices for a session ( 9.15am-12.15noon) starting from only £5.50. We are also part of the flexible funding scheme for 3 & 4 year olds.
Please contact the pre-school or see our website for details -