Saturday 29 August 2009

Sunday 6th September- 10.00am


I hope everyone has had a great summer holiday.

We are looking for volunteers to help put the furniture back for the start of school.

Meet at Pre-school- Sunday 6th September at 10.00am,

the more parents that help the quicker we can be finished, it usually only takes half an hour.


Monday 17 August 2009

committee meeting

Hello committee members.
We are needing to hold a meeting this week.
Can anyone make Thursday night 8pm at mine?

Friday 7 August 2009

Cardinham Woods- Wed 12th Aug

We are meeting in the car park at Cardinham Woods, for a short walk & taking a picnic.

Wednesday 12th August - at 10.00am,

If its really raining maybe phone around first to check the plan,

Please let any other pre-school parents know if you see them.